Mailing list

How to use the mailing list
MusaContacts has set up a mailing list to facilitate communication on banana-related topics between its subscribers. Examples of what the mailing list can be used for include: discussing research findings and scientific matters; requesting assistance with a problem or in locating information; sharing information; and annoucing meetings, calls for proposals and other relevant events.

IMPORTANT: To send a message to the mailing list use the following address:
Please do not add any other address in the "To" field nor use the "CC" or the "BCC" fields. If you need to include people who may not be on the list, send a message to them separately.

Code of conduct
As with any community, there are certain rules to ensure an inviting and friendly online community. Lively and candid exchanges are encouraged; however, by joining and using  the  mailing list, you agree to observe the rules and etiquette outlined below.
•    Only post messages on banana, research on banana, or information that is relevant for topical discussions on banana research issues; and stay on topic during follow-up discussions.
•    Discussions conducted with the mailing list are meant to stimulate conversation—not to create contention. By using the mailing list, you agree to be courteous toward other users and respectful of their views and opinions. Whereas examining evidence, assumptions and ideas is an integral part of the scientific process, personal attacks seeking to tarnish somebody’s reputation are not. The use of defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, or offensive language is strictly prohibited. All subscribers will treat each other professionally in all messages sent through the  mailing list.
•    Do not send personal, commercial, or self-promotional postings.
•    Do not post any information or other material protected by copyright without the permission of the copyright owner. By posting material, you warrant and represent that you own the copyright with respect to such material or have received permission from the copyright owner. In addition, you grant users of the mailing list the nonexclusive right and license to display, copy, publish, distribute, transmit, print, and use such information or other material.
•    You may not use the mailing list as a means of obtaining email addresses or contact information in connection with the sending of third-party emails, whether commercial in nature or not.
•    The MusaContacts mailing list may not be used for surveys or polls without the express permission of MusaContacts.
MusaContacts is not responsible for the opinions and information posted on the mailing list by others. However, it reserves the right to moderate the mailing list (i.e. screen incoming messages) or to remove from the mailing list any individual who has violated the above-listed Rules of conduct, or has acted inconsistently with the spirit of the mailing list.
In general, violation of a rule shall result in the following actions:
•    1st violation – written warning;
•    2nd violation – loss of mailing list privileges for 3 months.

Internet etiquette ("Netiquette")
The following guidelines are not intended as rules or requirements for participating in the mailing list. Instead, they are general tips for participating in electronic mailing lists in a responsible and courteous manner.
•    Include a signature tag on all messages. Try to keep the signature brief. Make sure it includes at least your name and affiliation, but remove any marketing or promotional statements that may be in the signature.
•    Make the subject line meaningful and useful, so that others on the list can judge right away if the message interests them.
•    Using the “Reply All” button in your e-mail application will automatically send your response to the entire list. Only send a message to the entire list if it benefits everyone. Direct messages intended for one or a few members only, such as "Thanks for the information" or "Me, too", to the intended individuals—not to the entire list. To reply directly to a member of the list, click “Reply” (not “Reply all”) or “Forward” the e-mail and copy/paste or type his or her e-mail address into the "To" line.
•    When generating a reply to a personal response, do not forward the personal response or part of it to the list without first obtaining permission from the sender.
•    Sending a message in all capital letters (UPPERCASE) is considered shouting. Be aware that, besides being difficult to read, this can be offensive.
•    Do not send administrative messages (e.g. unsubscribe requests, questions regarding, etc) to the mailing list. If you need clarification on the above or if you are unsure about whether or not a message you want to send is appropriate, you can send it for review by contacting Karen Lehrer ( .

We hope that you will find the mailing list useful and encourage you to take advantage of it to communicate with your peers.