
Coyne Danny

Nationality: United Kingdom
Gender: Male

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture IITA

Central Africa Hub
c/o ICIPE, Kasarani
Po Box 30709-00100

Phone: (+254) (0)20 8632932 office Mobile Kenya: +254 (0) 714 782436 Mobile Uganda: +256 (0) 752 787802
Fax: 256 (0)41 285079
Email: D.coyne@cgiar.org
Type of organisation: Research, Public, Non-profit
Geographical scope: International

Main professional activity: Research
Professional qualifications:

PhD Nematology, University of Reading, (UK) (95-99)
MSc Agricultural Research, Norwich (UK) (91-92)
BSc Applied Biology Liverpool (UK) (84-88)

Main skills:

Integrated crop management
Integrated pest management
Production systems
Insect pests
Host pathogen interactions

Describe past or present professional activities relevant to bananas:

Management: Breeding Better Bananas Project; Musa endophytes project; Sucker sanitation project; various nematology related projects/activities.
Research: Nematologysoil health with IITA (2001-present); Nematologist WARDA (94-98); Nematologist, (UGA) (93-94)
technical Assistant.: Technical advisor, GTZ, (MWI) plant protection project (00-01)
Extension: Plant protection extension officer, NCS, (TZA), USD-NARS (89-91)

Languages: English, French, Swahili
MusaContacts mailing list: Yes
Last updated: Thursday December 26, 2024 11:04:51 CET

The original document is available at http://musacontacts.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=998