1965-1968 B.Sc. Botany, University of Hull, UK.
1968-1969 M.Sc. Plant pathology, University of Exter, UK.
1970-1972 Ph.D. Plant pathology, Univeristy of Keele, UK
1972-1977 Postdoctorate Research Fellow with Agriculture Canada and the University of Sydney
Genetic resources
Germplasm evaluation
Fungal diseases
Mycosphaerella leaf spots
Fusarium wilt
Bacterial diseases
Postharvest diseases
1977-1992 Government plant pathologist in Queensland, Australia (banana quarantine, exotic banana diseases, Musa germplasm collecting and banana improvement)
1992-1996 Scientific Research Coordinator with INIBAP.
1996-1998 Consultant on EU project to improve the banana industries of the Windward Islands
1998-1999 Editor of the CABI publication 'Diseases of Banana, Abaca and Enset.
2007-2008 Consultant to EFSA on banana quarantine issues.
2016-2018 Editor of new CABI banana publication